Regione Lombardia, 2019, Sviluppo di nuove molecole di seconda generazione per immunoterapia oncologica, IMMUN-HUB, – UNIMIB € 1.200.0000,00

FRRB Lombardia 2019 New frontiers of engineered nanovectors to improve treatment efficacy and safety in neurological disorders (NEVERMIND) – UNIMIB Francesca Re € 630.000,00

Ministero della Salute, 2018, Dissecting the link between pulmonary stromal changes and lung cancer progression for biomarkers discovery and therapeutic intervention, – UNIMIB Francesco Nicotra, Laura Russo, € 449.350 

H2020 JPND  2016 Development of novel multicellular in vitro models of Alzheimer disease-like BBB – 982.409,00 € UNIMIB Francesca Re 293.160,00 € 

HORIZON2020, 642028 —H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014-2018, Design and development of advanced Nanomedicines to overcome Biological Barriers and to treat severe diseases” NABBA –  UNIMIB  Francesco Nicotra  € 774.183,00 

H2020-NMBP-2016-two-stage 3C-SiC Hetero-epitaxiALLy grown on silicon compliancE substrates and 3C-SiC substrates for sustaiNable wide-band-Gap powEr devices – UNIMIB Leo Miglio € 349.250,00 

H2020-NMBP-PILOTS-2016 Pre-commercial lines for production of surface nanostructured antimicrobial and anti-biofilm textiles, medical devices and water treatment membranes –     UNIMIB Paride Mantecca € 408.625,00

H2020-NMBP-2017-two-stage Integration of Nano- and Biotechnology for beta-cell and islet Transplantation – UNIMIB Francesco Nicotra €  652.563,75

ERC-2014-CoG Smart Bioinorganic Hybrids for Nanomedicine –UNIMIB Cristiana Di Valentin € 1.748.125,00

CARIPLO FOUNDATION:2016 Multitasking peptide-loaded amphiphilic nanoparticles for treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases and neurodegenerative disorders  –UNIMIB Miriam Colombo € 100.000,00

Fondazione Umano Progresso 2015 Nanovettori ingegnerizzati per il trattamento di metastasi cerebrali del carcinoma mammario – UNIMIB Davide Prosperi € 50.000,00

AIRC 2016: Magnetic nanoparticle-based delivery of the saporin toxin for the treatment of breast cancer – UNIMIB Miriam Colombo € 74.000,00

AIRC 2018 Development of a universal Fcγ nano-antenna for triggering Natural Killer cell-mediated immunotherapy of cancer –UNIMIB Davide Prosperi € 78.000,00

MIUR – Progetto Flagship CNR: “Functionalized nanoparticles in the detection and treatment of mammary adenocarcinoma: PET/SPET imaging and complementary transcriptomic and proteomic approach (NanoBreastImaging)”

CARIPLO FOUNDATION 2015 : ID 42708181 (01/10/2013-31/08/2015) “Analysis of biofluid Microvescicles by INtErferometric Reflectance imaging sensor (MINER)”


Italian Agency for Cancer Research  (AIRC) 2014: MFAG 16144 (02/01/2015-01/01/2018) “Magnetic nanoparticle-based delivery of the saporin toxin for the treatment of breast cancer” UNIMIB Miriam Colombo

European Center of Nanomedicine (CEN) 2014 Smart Nanoparticles For Boosted Drug Brain Targeting UNIMIB Massimo Masserini €110.000,00

European Center of Nanomedicine (CEN) 2014: mApoE-Functionalized Lipidic -and Polymeric- Nanocomposite  for Human Glioblastoma Imaging and Treatment – UNIMIB Francecsa Re 90.000,00 €

FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IOF  “3D BIOMIMETICS” 2013-627403

CARIPLO FOUNDATION: 2012-0891 (3/2013-2/2015): Smart nanostructured hydrogel systems for generation of contractile cardiac organoids  UNIMIB Laura Russo

Accordo Quadro della Regione Lombardia per “Sviluppo di un sistema di microscopia Raman coerente per imaging biomedico”, PI G. Cerullo (Politecnico di Milano), G. Chirico 2011-2012.

EU FP7 No: 212043: NAD  (Nanoparticles for therapy and diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease), 2008-2013 – total cost 14.640.000,00 €,   UNIMIB Massimo Masserini, 3.800.000,00 €

Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia 2013: Evaluation of toxicity of nanopraticles designef for therapy of neurodegenerative diseases UNIMIB Francesca Re  50.000,00 €

CARIPLO FOUNDATION 2011 : 2011-2096 (01/05/2012-30/09/2015) “The MULAN program: a multilevel approach for the study of nanomaterials health and safety”

MIUR PRIN 2011 n. 2010L9SH3K  Metodologie chimiche innovative per biomateriali intelligenti.

CARIPLO FOUNDATION: 2011-0270 (1/3/2012-28/2/2015):  Sintesi di una macromolecola brush-like con architettura e proprietà meccaniche biomimetiche ottimizzate

Cariplo Foundation 2009 -2012  “Metodi innovativi di sintesi e funzionalizzazione di nano e microparticelle per uso biomedico”, UNIMIB M. Masserini  498.000,00 €.

MIUR- FIRB – Fondo per gli Investimenti della Ricerca di Base  2009-2013,  Rete Nazionale per lo studio della Proteomica Umana, UNIMIB Fulvio Magni 1.600.000 €

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) piano strategico 2009-2011. Progetti SEED:Isoelectric focusing chip-array for  protein profiling of biological samples  with MALDI detection” 2009 – 2012, UNIMIB Fulvio Magni   230.000,00€.

CARIPLO FOUNDATION 2010 – 2012  Nanostructured biomaterial functionalization for treatment of articular cartilage defects.

CARIPLO FOUNDATION 2010 – 2012  : Gold nanorods (NR) and asymmetric nanoparticles (ANP)  capped with a biocompatible polymer bearing binding groups for molecules and metal cations: pharmacological and thermal antimicrobial activates by near-IR irradiation, UNIMIB Giuseppe Chirico

CARIPLO FOUNDATION 2009 -11, Development of NMR techniques for tissue engineering studies.